Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 panIcons, OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar
 panMethod, OpenLayers.Map
 ParameterName, OpenLayers.Format.CSWGetDomain.v2_0_2
 placemarksDesc, OpenLayers.Format.KML
 pointRadius, OpenLayers.Symbolizer.Point
 popupClass, OpenLayers.Feature
 popupSize, OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS
 prefix, OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition
 preload, OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed
 preserveAspectRatio, OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature
 previous, OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
 previousOptions, OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
 PropertyName, OpenLayers.Format.CSWGetDomain.v2_0_2
 protocol, OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature
 Query, OpenLayers.Format.CSWGetRecords.v2_0_2
 queryVisible, OpenLayers.Control.WMTSGetFeatureInfo
 radius, OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon
 readWithPOST, OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP
 removeBackBufferDelay, OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
 rendererOptions, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 renderIntent, OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature
 reportError, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 reproject, OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest
 requestEncoding, OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS
 requestId, OpenLayers.Format.CSWGetRecords.v2_0_2
 ResponseHandler, OpenLayers.Format.CSWGetRecords.v2_0_2
 restrictedExtent, OpenLayers.Map
 resultType, OpenLayers.Format.CSWGetRecords.v2_0_2
 rotate, OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature
 rotationHandles, OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature
 rotationHandleSymbolizer, OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature
 roundedCorner, OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
 roundedCornerColor, OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
 rssns, OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS
 rules, OpenLayers.Style2
{Boolean} Set this property to false not to display the pan icons.
{Boolean} When drawn, pan map such that the entire popup is visible in the current viewport (if necessary).
{Boolean} Framed Cloud does pan into view by default.
{Function} The Easing function to be used for tweening.
{String} Value of the csw:ParameterName element, used when writing a GetDomain document.
{Array(OpenLayers.Filter.Function || String || Number)} Function parameters For now support only other Functions, String or Number
{Object} Extra parameters to include in tile requests.
{Object} Query string parameters to be appended to the URL.
{Boolean} Keep the temporary measurement sketch drawn after the measurement is complete.
{Boolean} Leave the feature rendered until destroyFeature is called.
{Boolean} Leave the feature rendered until clear is called.
{Object} Options passed to the PinchZoom control.
{Object} Options passed to the PinchZoom control.
{Number} Maximum number of pixels between mouseup and mousedown for an event to be considered a click.
{Number} Maximum number of pixels between down and up (mousedown and mouseup, or touchstart and touchend) for the handler to add a new point.
{String} Name of the placemarks.
{Number} Pixel point radius.
{OpenLayers.Class} The class which will be used to instantiate a new Popup.
{OpenLayers.Size} This determines the size of GeoRSS popups.
{Boolean} Load data before layer made visible.
{Boolean} set to true to not change the feature’s aspect ratio.
{OpenLayers.Control} A button type control whose trigger method restores the previous state managed by this control.
{Object} Set this property on the options argument of the constructor to set optional properties on the previous control.
{String} If provided, use a custom profile.
{String} If provided, use a custom profile.
{String} If provided, use a custom profile.
{OpenLayers.Projection} or {String} Specifies the projection of the layer.
{OpenLayers.Projection} Source projection for the UTFGrids.
{String} Set in the map options to specify the default projection for layers added to this map.
{String} name of the context property to compare
{String} Name of the context property to compare.
{String} Value of the csw:PropertyName element, used when writing a GetDomain document.
{OpenLayers.Protocol} Required.
{String} Value of the csw:Query element, used when writing a csw:GetRecords document.
{Boolean} Filter out hidden layers when searching the map for layers to query.
{Float} Optional radius in map units of the regular polygon.
{Float} The ratio of the feature relative to the ratio the time the feature was set.
{Float} Used only when in single-tile mode, this specifies the ratio of the size of the single tile to the size of the map.
{Number} Ratio of the desired grid size to the map viewport size.
{Float} This specifies the ratio of the size of the visiblity of the Vector Layer features to the size of the map.
{Float} The ratio property determines the size of the serverside query relative to the map viewport size.
{Float} The ratio of the data bounds to the viewport bounds (in each dimension).
{Boolean} true if read operations are done with POST requests instead of GET, defaults to false.
{Number} Delay for removing the backbuffer when all tiles have finished loading.
{Object} Options for the renderer.
{String|Object} Render intent for the transformation box and handles.
{Boolean} report friendly error message when loading of renderer fails.
{String} Request encoding.
{String} Value of the requestId attribute of the GetRecords element.
{Array} A list of map resolutions (map units per pixel) in descending order.
{Array(Float)} A list of map resolutions (map units per pixel) in descending order.
{Array({String})} Values of the csw:ResponseHandler elements, used when writting a csw:GetRecords document.
{<OpenLayers.Bounds>|Array} If provided as an array, the array should consist of four values (left, bottom, right, top).
{String} Value of the resultType attribute of the GetRecords element, specifies the result type in the GetRecords response, “hits” is the default.
{Boolean} set to false if rotation should be disabled.
{Number} Grid rotation (in degrees clockwise from the positive x-axis).
{Number} The rotation of a graphic in the clockwise direction about its center point (or any point off center as specified by graphicXOffset and graphicYOffset).
{Array(OpenLayers.Feature.Vector)} The 4 rotation handles currently available for rotating.
{Object|String} Optional.
{Boolean} If true the Rico library is used for rounding the corners of the layer switcher div, defaults to false.
{String} The color of the rounded corners, only applies if roundedCorner is true, defaults to “darkblue”.
{String} RSS namespace to use.
{Array(OpenLayers.Rule)} Collection of rendering rules.