Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 nextTrigger, OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
 nodeFactory, OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements
 normalizeScale, Util
 nullHandler, OpenLayers.Ajax.OpenLayers
 nullTransform, OpenLayers.Projection
 number, OpenLayers.Format.JSON.serialize
 numericIf, OpenLayers.String
 object, OpenLayers.Format.JSON.serialize
 observe, OpenLayers.Event
 offset, OpenLayers.Pixel
 on, OpenLayers.Events
 onclick, OpenLayers.Popup
 onCommit, OpenLayers.Strategy.Save
 onComplete, OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders
 onCreate, OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders
 ondblclick, OpenLayers.Popup
 onFeatureInsert, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 onImageError, OpenLayers.Tile.Image
 onmousedown, OpenLayers.Popup
 onmousemove, OpenLayers.Popup
 onmouseout, OpenLayers.Popup
 onmouseup, OpenLayers.Popup
 onMoveEnd, OpenLayers.Layer.PointGrid
 onNextChange, OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
 onPreviousChange, OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
 onSketchComplete, OpenLayers.Control.Split
 onSketchModified, OpenLayers.Control.Snapping
 onStateChange, OpenLayers.Ajax.Request
 onVertexModified, OpenLayers.Control.Snapping
 onZoomClick, OpenLayers.Control.Zoom
 oppositeQuadrant, OpenLayers.Bounds
 OPTIONS, OpenLayers.Request
nextTrigger: function()
Restore the next state.
nodeFactory: function(id,
Create new node of the specified type, with the (optional) specified id.
nodeTypeCompare: function(node,
nodeTypeCompare: function(node,
nodeTypeCompare: function(node,
nodeTypeCompare: function(node,
Determine whether a node is of a given type
OpenLayers.Util.normalizeScale = function (scale)
OpenLayers.nullHandler = function(request)
@param {} request
OpenLayers.Projection.nullTransform = function(point)
Transform a number into a JSON string.
numericIf: function(value)
Converts a string that appears to be a numeric value into a number.
Transform an object into a JSON string.
observe: function(elementParam,
Parameters px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>|Object} An OpenLayers.Pixel or an object with a ‘x’ and ‘y’ properties.
on: function(object)
Convenience method for registering listeners with a common scope.
onButtonClick: function(evt)
onButtonClick: function(evt)
onButtonClick: function (evt)
onButtonClick: function(evt)
onButtonClick: function(evt)
onclick: function (evt)
Ignore clicks, but allowing default browser handling
onCommit: function(response)
Called after protocol commit.
onComplete: function()
onCreate: function()
ondblclick: function (evt)
Ignore double-clicks, but allowing default browser handling
onFeatureInsert: function(feature)
method called after a feature is inserted.
onImageError: function()
Handler for the image onerror event
onImageLoad: function()
Handler for the image onload event
onImageLoad: function()
Handler for the image onload event
onMapResize: function()
onMapResize: function()
This function can be implemented by subclasses
onMapResize: function()
onMapResize: function()
For singleTile layers, this will set a new tile size according to the dimensions of the map pane.
onMapResize: function()
Notify the renderer of the change in size.
onMapResize: function()
onMapResize: function()
Call the onMapResize method of the appropriate parent class.
onMapResize: function()
onmousedown: function (evt)
When mouse goes down within the popup, make a note of it locally, and then do not propagate the mousedown (but do so safely so that user can select text inside)
onmousemove: function (evt)
If the drag was started within the popup, then do not propagate the mousemove (but do so safely so that user can select text inside)
onmouseout: function (evt)
When mouse goes out of the popup set the flag to false so that if they let go and then drag back in, we won’t be confused.
onmouseup: function (evt)
When mouse comes up within the popup, after going down in it, reset the flag, and then (once again) do not propagate the event, but do so safely so that user can select text inside
onMoveEnd: function()
Listener for map “moveend” events.
onNextChange: function(state,
Called when the next history stack changes.
onPreviousChange: function(state,
Called when the previous history stack changes.
{Boolean} Whether or not the feature is currently visible on screen (based on its ‘lonlat’ property)
Determine whether the feature is within the map viewport.
{Boolean} Whether or not the marker is currently visible on screen.
{Boolean} Whether or not the marker is currently visible on screen.
onSketchComplete: function(event)
Registered as a listener for the sketchcomplete event on the editable layer.
onSketchModified: function(event)
Registered as a listener for the sketchmodified event on the editable layer.
onStateChange: function()
onVertexModified: function(event)
Registered as a listener for the vertexmodified event on the editable layer.
onWheelEvent: function(e)
Catch the wheel event and handle it xbrowserly
onWheelEvent: function(e)
Catch the wheel event and handle it xbrowserly
onZoomClick: function(evt)
Called when zoomin/out link is clicked.
OpenLayers.Bounds.oppositeQuadrant = function(quadrant)
Get the opposite quadrant for a given quadrant string.
OPTIONS: function(config)
Send an HTTP OPTIONS request.
out: function(evt)
This method is called during the handling of the mouse out event.
out: function(evt)
Finish drawing the feature.
outFeature: function(feature)
Called when the feature handler detects a mouse-out on a feature.
outFeature: function(feature)
Called on out of a selected feature.
overFeature: function(feature)
Called when the feature handler detects a mouse-over on a feature.
overFeature: function(feature)
Called on over a feature.