Property Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 cachedSymbolBounds, OpenLayers.Renderer.Canvas
 caching, OpenLayers.Strategy.Filter
 calculateOffset, OpenLayers.Icon
 callbackKey, OpenLayers.Protocol.Script
 callbackPrefix, OpenLayers.Protocol.Script
 callbackTemplate, OpenLayers.Protocol.Script
 cancelRegEx, OpenLayers.Events.buttonclick
 canvas, OpenLayers.Renderer.Canvas
 canvasContext, OpenLayers.Tile.Image
 centerLonLat, OpenLayers.Bounds
 checkTags, OpenLayers.Format.OSM
 className, OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
 click, OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature
 clickHandlerOptions, OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation
 closeDiv, OpenLayers.Popup
 closeOnMove, OpenLayers.Popup
 clustering, OpenLayers.Strategy.Cluster
 clusters, OpenLayers.Strategy.Cluster
 collectionName, OpenLayers.Format.GML
 compare, OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer
 completeRegEx, OpenLayers.Events.buttonclick
 components, OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection
 container, OpenLayers.Renderer
 containerCenter, OpenLayers.Control.PinchZoom
 contentDiv, OpenLayers.Popup
 contentHTML, OpenLayers.Popup
 contentSize, OpenLayers.Popup
 control, OpenLayers.Handler
 createVertices, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
 creator, OpenLayers.Format.GPX
 crossOriginKeyword, OpenLayers.Tile.Image
 cssMap, OpenLayers.Format.SLD.v1
 culture, OpenLayers.Layer.Bing
 cumulative, OpenLayers.Handler.MouseWheel
 currentCenter, OpenLayers.Control.PinchZoom
 curve, OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3
{Object} Cache for elements that should only be created once per map.
{Array(OpenLayers.Feature.Vector)} List of currently cached features.
{Object} Internal cache of calculated symbol extents.
{Boolean} The filter is currently caching features.
{Function} Function to calculate the offset (based on the size)
{Object} Function to be called when the read, create, update, delete or commit operation completes, read-only, set through the options passed to the constructor.
{Object} Function to be called when the read operation completes.
{String} The name of the query string parameter that the service recognizes as the callback identifier.
{String} Where a service requires that the callback query string parameter value is prefixed by some string, this value may be set.
{Object} The functions that are sent to the handler for callback
{Object} The functions that are sent to the handler for callback
{Object} The functions that are sent to the handlers.feature for callback
{Object} The functions that are sent to the handler for callback
{Object} An object with start, eachStep and done properties whose values are functions to be call during the animation.
{String} Template for creating a unique callback function name for the registry.
{RegExp} Regular expression to test Event.type for events that cancel a buttonclick sequence.
{Canvas} The canvas context object.
{CanvasRenderingContext2D} A canvas context associated with the tile image.
{OpenLayers.Geometry.Point} The center of the feature bounds.
{OpenLayers.LonLat} The current center of the map
{OpenLayers.LonLat} A cached center location.
{Boolean} Should tags be checked to determine whether something should be treated as a seperate node.
{Boolean} If set to true, coordinates of features drawn in a map extent crossing the date line won’t exceed the world bounds.
{Boolean} If set to true, coordinates of features drawn in a map extent crossing the date line won’t exceed the world bounds.
{Boolean} If set to true, coordinates of features drawn in a map extent crossing the date line won’t exceed the world bounds.
{String} Name of the class added to the layer div.
{Boolean} Clear the history when the control is deactivated.
{Boolean} Should the selection be cleared when the control is deactivated.
{Boolean} Use a click handler for selecting/unselecting features.
{String} The click callback to register in the {OpenLayers.Handler.Click} object created when the hover option is set to false.
{String} The click callback to register in the {OpenLayers.Handler.Click} object created when the hover option is set to false.
{Object} Options passed to the Click handler.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
{Integer} Tolerance for the filter query in pixels.
{Number} The number of pixels the mouse can move between mousedown and mouseup for the event to still be considered a click.
{DOMElement} the optional closer image
{Boolean} When map pans, close the popup.
{Boolean} The strategy is currently clustering features.
{Array(OpenLayers.Feature.Vector)} Calculated clusters.
{String} Current language code to use in OpenLayers.
{String} Name of featureCollection element.
{Function} This is the function used to determine placement of of a new node within the indexer.
{RegExp} Regular expression to test Event.type for events that complete a buttonclick sequence.
{Array(OpenLayers.Geometry)} The component parts of this geometry
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Object} Cached object representing the layer container center (in pixels).
{String} The CSS class of the popup content div.
{String} The CSS class of the popup content div.
{DOMElement} a reference to the element that holds the content of the div.
{String} An HTML string for this popup to display.
{OpenLayers.Size} the width and height of the content.
{Object} An optional object with properties that the rule should be evaluated against.
{Object} An optional object with properties that symbolizers’ property values should be evaluated against.
{Array(OpenLayers.Control)} List of controls associated with the map.
{Boolean} Create new vertices by dragging the virtual vertices in the middle of each edge.
{String} The creator attribute to be added to the written GPX files.
The value of the crossorigin keyword to use when loading images.
{Object} Object mapping supported css property names to OpenLayers symbolizer property names.
{String} The culture identifier.
{Boolean} When interval is set: true to collect all the mousewheel z-deltas, false to only record the delta direction (positive or negative)
{Object} Cached object representing the latest pinch center (in pixels).
{Boolean} Write gml:Curve instead of gml:LineString elements.